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Monday, November 28, 2016

Post Thanksgiving...Let's Weigh In

Well, the turkey came and went.  In my case, it was a roasted chicken.  So you want to know how I handled one of the big days for those who are watching their portions, etc.?

I pretty much ate a very small breakfast and didn't count points the rest of the day.  That led to two things.  No weight loss for this week and yesterday when I stopped counting points as well. 😆

So no weight loss for me this week.  However, time to get back on the wagon.  It's time to make some serious changes the next few weeks till that other Holiday shows up.....

That is what I  love about weight watchers.  It's forgiving and each day you start out with a new set of points to begin again with.  So, I am renewed.  Each time I feel I want that cookie I will just remember no weight loss is what happens when you stop counting points.

On a positive note, I didn't stuff myself till I was over full.  Which I usually do on these type of occasions.  I also stuck with one serving of each thing instead of going back for some more stuffing because it tasted so great.  So that is what I am counting as a win for this week.

Here's to the next week being successful!

Anybody got any great recipes that is low on points but filling?  I am always looking for something new to try.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Oh What Fun

It was time to bring out the digital stamps and some goodies to make a nice Winter themed card.

So I looked through my digital stamps till I found this cutie. The image I purchased from Etsy from Prettygrafikdesign.  I think this little girls looks like she is having the best time.  I used Design Space to add her to this cool tag then colored her in using my Copic markers.  I get a bit lost on shading but I try to do some here and there.  I also still color outside the is a skill I have yet to master since kindergarten. 

 I used some different inks with a circle mask to make the circle background.  The color combo for this was Bermuda Bay by Stampin' Up, Tumbled Glass, and Peacock Feathers from Tim Holtz' Distress Ink line.  I just sponged those colors in to make the circle to help draw the eye to the cute girl sledding. 

The banner with the sentiment I made again in Design Space and the snowflake came from there as well.  I popped everything up on some foam tape.  I added some gems, ribbon, and cuteness!

I am entering this card into:  Inspiration Destination's Anything Goes #113
Crafty Catz Challenge #348 Anything Goes with Optional Twist which is Christmas Tags

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Let's Get Begin the Christmas Season

Today is turkey day and there is so much to be thankful for.  I am thankful for my journey to a whole new me.  I am also thankful for such wonderful family and friends.  Finally I am thankful for a hobby that I love, that calms me, and makes me smile.  Happy Thanksgiving!

I have been trying to decide what my Christmas Card for this years season and I think I found it.  The design has been playing around in my head for a while, but when I saw this challenge on Crafty Cardmakers I knew the last element I wanted to add, dry embossing.

So I have a white A2 card base I made with white cardstock.  The ornament shape I made using my Cricuit and a PNG file I made into a cut file.  I purchased the file from Polkadoodles on Etsy.  It is ftom the collection called Winter Wonderland.  I then cut the same shape out of some Cricuit silver glitter paper.  The sentiment I put on a Cricuit scalloped oval shape I found in design space.  I flattened that shape to make into a print and cut and had the Cricuit write the Merry Christmas out.

I used my swiss dot cuttlebug folder on the white background to add that dry embossed interest.  The green and white bakers twine makes it look like the ornament is hanging.  I layered the whole panel on some red cardstock with white polka dots.  This paper is from a paper pad from last Christmas from Recollections.  To add a bit more..something I added some green patterned washi to the bottom that is from Recollections as well.

If you end up getting one of these cards this season, I apologize in advance for you knowing what it will look like.

I am entering this into Crafty Cardmakers Challenge # 177.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Week 1 Wrap Up

I made it through week one!  Woot!  I am celebrating all the small accomplishments....yes each and every one. 😉

How did it go you ask?  Well, Sunday and Monday....easy peasy.  It just felt good to be doing something.  Tuesday, was a bit tougher.  That was the first day I had some hunger during the day.  I had packed a bunch of raw veggies with a small amount of ranch dressing to help combat this.  But, it got tough after a bit.  I ate all the vegetables I could, but after a bit I had had enough.  With the water, I go through and boy did I love my supper.  I had some baked chicken that filled me up with some steamed vegetables.

All in all, I did well.  I lost 4 lbs.  Down to 222lbs.  I got in an average of 4 glasses of water each day.  I hope when I move offices in a month or so that will get better.  I will then have access to water that is closer at hand.

My goal this week is for another 2 lbs.  I want to continue to work on the water thing as well.  Another goal is also to get through Thanksgiving without over doing it too much.

Do you have any goals this week?  

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Cricuit Vinyl Project

On the fun all the craftiness that brings a smile to my face.  I have joined several Facebook swap groups.  It has been a blast swapping away.  I have now tried my hand at pocket letters, both mini and full sized.  I have done a swap box full of goodies.  Oh my goodness, that was my last swap of the season and boy did I hit the mother lode.  My partner sent me such great stuff.  I will have to take a moment before the holidays to show you all the goodness.  It was a Christmas theme.  My partner nailed it.  She sent such great stuff.  I think I am going to make a Christmas mini scrapbook with it.  Oh and I did my first flip book for a Youtube channel challenge.  You can see my entry here.  That was a blast.  My son says I am now a Youtube star like him.  ðŸ˜„

So in the coming weeks, I will show you some projects I am working on while I am taking a break from the swaps for the holidays.  

Right here is my first one.  I typically don't do many vinyl projects with my Cricuit.  But at work, there is always at least 1 white elephant to bring a gift for.  So this is the gift I made for just such an occasion.  This particular project is a Pintrest find. I bought the image from  Her site is down right now but if you search her on Facebook you can message her for any requests and she will still send you the image you want.  I used some Cricuit brand red vinyl for this project.  I placed the sentiment on a 8x8 shadow box I got from Michaels.  These shadow box frames are really expensive.  These I only buy when they are on sale, or in the case of this particular one, I used the 40% off coupon.  Thank goodness for those coupons.  I added in also some pretty gray cardstock in the back and of course, the jingle bells.  One gift complete.

Now when am going to work on those Christmas cards?

Hope you enjoy my post and I will be back with an update on my weight loss journey another day.  

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Beginning

Yesterday began the journey.  The journey to a new me.  I weighed in at my highest weight in my life.  226lbs.  Wow, how did that even happen?  Oh I know how it happened.  It's called stress, overeating, and being a couch potato.  

It is really hard to look at that number 226 in print.  Yikes!  No wonder I am tired after walking in from the parking lot at work each morning.  No wonder after a small amount of time of standing my lower back hurts.  Who wants to carry all that around?

Well it's time to change all that.  I have this beautiful boy who wants to be active and do things with his mom.  Couch potato mom hasn't been able to do those things.  Yep, let the changes begin.

So, I start out with my weapon of choice...Weight Watchers.  It has worked for me in the past, so I know it works.  It's just a matter of sticking to it.  That is why I am here bearing my soul.  You all are going to help me be accountable to myself.

My organizer is ready to use.  I am using it to make my goals, counting my points, working my to do lists for work and home.  The first goal for the week is to aim for 2 lb weight loss.  Also, to work on my water consumption.  I struggle with the 6-8 glasses of water a day.  I have figured out bringing my big cup of water to work helps me get in the first three glasses.  But I have to take the time, to refill it.  So that means taking the time to do that.  Today I got the first 3 in and at lunch had unsweetened tea.  I never refilled the cup.  Got to do better tomorrow.

Another small goal is to make sure I get up from the desk several times a day to move around.  Walk through the hospital.  I will make more concrete activity goals later but just at this point it's baby steps.

Thinking of making some changes yourself?  Got some words of wisdom?  A great weight watcher's recipe?  Feel free to leave me a comment.  I would love to hear what you have to say.  

Friday, November 11, 2016


Lately, I have been reflecting on what I really love, things I want to do.  Then I realize, there are so many things I want to change so I can do those things I want and really love.  So, I am starting on a journey.  A journey that will help me become healthier, instead of this person who goes to work, comes home to flop on the couch.  It's time to take charge.  It's time to make changes.  

I know most people begin the new year with these type of changes, but I can't keep putting it off.  I want to have energy again.  Energy to do all the crafting the way I want.  To keep my house organized and clean like I used to.  I know cleaning the house is a funny thing to add to the list but I have always love doing domestic things.  Not so much the cleaning, but baking, keeping things organized, decorating for the seasons all those things I feel make me the southern woman I am.

I hope you will come on this journey with me.  Maybe you are contemplating making some changes too.  

So, this blog won't just be about papercrafting.  It will contain other things as I go on this journey.  Who knows for sure what that will be, but it will be fun to find out.